Computer-based testing

LLT: Computers in Language Testing...:

Hi, everyone! Since I'm very much interested in both Computer-Assisted Language Learning *and* in language assessment/testing, I was wondering if any of you are interested in computer-based tests? This article by Brown seems to be a good intro, in case you are. Here's the abstract:

"This article begins by exploring recent developments in the use of computers in language testing in four areas: (a) item banking, (b) computer-assisted language testing, (c) computerized-adaptive language testing, and (d) research on the effectiveness of computers in language testing. The article then examines the educational measurement literature in an attempt to forecast the directions future research on computers in language testing might take and suggests addressing the following issues: (a) piloting practices in computer adaptive language tests (CALTs), (b) standardizing or varying CALT lengths, (c) sampling CALT items, (d) changing the difficulty of CALT items, (e) dealing with CALT item sets, (f) scoring CALTS, (g) dealing with CALT item omissions, (h) making decisions about CALT cut-points, (i) avoiding CALT item exposure, (j) providing CALT item review opportunities, and (k) complying with legal disclosure laws when using CALTs."

Hope you like it!

Susan @>---;--

Tehran, Iran

P.S. Does anybody know of any online courses teaching about how to do Computer-Based Testing?


I'll try it out, Christine, thanks!

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